Happy Fall, Y’all!
Fall HVAC Tips for a Smooth Seasonal Transition
Can you believe that fall is already here? We’re here for you with some tips to make sure your HVAC system will make a smooth transition from summer to fall temperatures!
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Change Your Air Filter
Changing your air filter on a regular basis is super important! Having a dirty air filter can cause your HVAC system to work harder, making your electric bill higher. Even if the weather cools off, it’s a good idea to pop in a new, fresh filter.
Clear the area
During the summer, growth around your HVAC unit may have caused issues, clearing this away from the area along with any grass clippings or leaves is a good idea. This can attract bugs and other critters looking to find a place to stay in the cooler weather.
Adjust the Thermostat
Keep in mind that with the change in season, evenings tend to be cooler. It usually isn’t necessary to keep the same settings you had in July. Set the temperatures to comfortable settings that make sense with the outside temperatures at different times of the day.
Get a Professional Furnace Evaluation
If your system is 7+ years old, you’ve remodeled, added on, or you’ve bought a new home, it may be a good idea to have a professional HVAC technician come and evaluate whether you need an updated system. If a new system is necessary, it will likely save you quite a bit in utility costs in the long run. With the proper equipment this will ensure that you have correct heating and ventilation for your home.
Get a Professional End-of-Season AC Tune-up
At the change of the seasons from hot to cool weather, it is a good idea to have a professional HVAC company out to prep your unit for the colder weather ahead. This can be important if you did not get a spring or summer tune up. A tech can also make sure nothing is leaking and discourage mildew from forming or stop a small issue before it becomes a large one.
Learn more about our Preventative Maintenance Program.
If you follow these tips, your HVAC system will have a smooth transition from summer to fall! At Charleston Heating and Air, we truly care about your comfort. Call today for any of your HVAC needs.